Healthy Schools, Healthy Students.
The Canadian Healthy School Standards
What are the Canadian Healthy School Standards?
The Canadian Healthy School Standards aim to spark conversations and be a tipping point where the school community comes together to elevate wellbeing in schools. It was prepared for people who are interested in advocating for, initiating and strengthening healthy schools across Canada. You can use it as a checklist to chart your healthy school journey, or in a non-linear fashion, as you need it.
Read the Healthy School Standards
Why are the Canadian Healthy School Standards needed?
Where we are:
In Canada, education and health are divided responsibilities among local, regional and federal/provincial/territorial authorities. Currently, in addition to each province and territory having jurisdiction over its public education system, there are also private schools and federally funded First Nations schools. Each has unique curriculum and policies, as well as its own cultural, demographic, governance and geographic context. Moreover, in Canada, a number of different Healthy School models exist, with different processes and recommendations. The complex nature of these contexts, cultures, relationships, multi-layered responsibilities and varying levels of accountability creates a unique Canadian educational and health ecosystem. While a focus on (w)holistic wellbeing and national-level change is essential for the future of our nation, it can be slow and difficult to achieve.
Where we need to be:
National agreement on a set of Canadian Healthy School Standards provides clarity and direction and cuts across the many jurisdictions and boundaries that can and have impeded positive change. Consistent Canadian Healthy School Standards will also provide a respectful and empowering pathway to more investments into the creation of school community driven solutions rather than one-size-fits-all or one-off health interventions. This is why we have created the Canadian Healthy School Standards.
Supplementary Resources
Shareable One-Pager
Read the Canadian Healthy School Standards and want to share them in a bite-sized way with a colleague? Download and share our infographic!
Shareable Slide Deck
Help spread the word about the new Canadian Healthy School Standards by sharing this slide deck at your next meeting.
How can you promote school health across your school system? This toolkit is a resource to support school system leaders across Canada to embed Healthy Schools concepts in all aspects of their culture, policies and processes.
Podcast Series
The “System Leadership in Healthy Schools” series aims to empower school system leaders to improve a wide variety of outcomes, maximizing student and staff well-being.
Connect with Us.
Shared the Standards and want more support? Looking to join the community of system leaders utilizing the Standards? Contact us using the form below!